Auditions for our September 2016 production are now set up for the Easter weekend

There is a facebook event with all the details here

A morning workshop and individual slots on Friday 25th (Good Friday) and further principal slots on Monday 28th (Easter Monday) with a final callbacks on Wed 30th March (evening) - Hopefully uni students will be around - rehearsals will not start till mid/late June - Show dates are 15th-17th Sept, 2016. Audition Pieces will be posted in January when you will also be invited to book audition slots for principal characters.

Main Characters - PLEASE NOTE: Playing Ages are a GUIDE only - make up, wigs and costume are all available so please don't restrict yourselves overly !

SWEENEY TODD - Playing Age 40-50, G#-A, Baritone, Legit/Character - Morose and brooding, a barber by profession, newly returned to London after 15 years' unjust incarceration.

MRS. LOVETT - PLaying Age 40-50, E-F#, Alto/Mezzo, Character, comedic actress, with a dark side, moves well.
A cheery, chatty but wholly amoral shopkeeper whose premises and pies are coated in dust and plagued by flies. She becomes much more than merely a landlady to Mr. Todd.

ANTHONY HOPE , Playing AGE 20-25, C-F#, Tenor, Legit
A young sailor, returned from war who rescued Todd on the voyage home. Who falls in love on sight with Johanna.

JOHANNA Playing Age 16-20, C-Bb, Soprano, Legit
A beautiful girl, Todd's daughter but now claimed by Judge Turpin as his own. A bit of an airhead - yellow hair a bonus!

JUDGE TURPIN Playing Age 45-55, B-F, Baritone, Legit
A corrupt and depraved official, an upholder of justice who twists the system to serve his own ends.

BEADLE BAMFORD Playing Age 35-50, D-D, Tenor, Legit
Turpin's accomplice in his crimes. Obsequeious and subordinate.

BEGGAR WOMAN, Playing Age 35-45, A-F#, Legit , Mezzo
A mad old crone with a filthy tongue, whose cries go unheeded. Who is revealed to be Sweeney's wife Lucy.

PIRELLI, Playing Age - 30 plus/Any, G#- F#, tenor, character
An Italian barber, of Irish Extraction - Comedic, Operatic and thoroughly over the top!

TOBIAS or TABITHA RAGG(Toby or Tabby) Playing Age 12-20 , B-G, Tenor/Soprano, Legit
A simple, kind-hearted lad/Girl. who works first for Pirelli, then for Mrs. Lovett, but never trusts Todd.

Plus approx 16 ensemble roughly half male and female all ages with several featured singing, acting and dance roles
eg Jonas Fogg, Young Sweeney, Young Lucy, Young Judge, Young Beadle (There is such a lot of amazing ensemble work!)

Audition Fee is £5, Show Fee is £45 for adults and £35 for students - All Fees are payable to Audition, Show Fees will be returned if you are NOT successful in making the show cast.